
Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Brave in Action

I had a chance to put my word of the year to use again. Twice.

1.) On Saturday I worked an event that I'd been stressing about since I agreed to do it. As my anxiety levels increased my sleep quality decreased, which never improves a situation. I ended up working just 15 minutes shy of a 12 hour day, my leg muscles were so sore that I could barely hobble around for days after, and my joints still haven't recovered (mainly my knees). Aside from all that it went as smoothly as I could have hoped for and the best part is it is over. Hopefully I won't have to work another event like that for at least 4 months. Or never. Never would be fine too.

2.) A new yoga studio opened up in my town recently. I've been eyeballing the location and stalking their website ever since. It had developed into a minor obsession (because that's kind of how I roll). At the grocery store on Sunday I paused to check out the yoga mats and my husband told me to just get one if I wanted one. So I did. When we got home I registered for a beginner yoga class on Monday evening. I'd only been to one yoga class before and it was ages ago. Considering all of the things that make me anxious (going somewhere new by myself, finding parking, finding the studio entrance, interacting with the instructor and other students, what to wear, what to do with my hair, etc. etc.), I am rather proud of myself for going. Also, I am mad envious of everyone that floats through life unencumbered by anxiety.

Fortunately, the instructor was friendly and one of the other students started chatting with me almost immediately (perhaps she sensed my need for reassurance). I enjoyed the class immensely, even though I felt shaky and weak and at points very stiff. My glasses kept sliding down my nose and getting in my way and my hair was distracting, slipping out of the low pony tail and falling in my face. I will definitely have to try another way of restraining it. I couldn't help but admire the instructor's closely cropped hairstyle, although it's not anything I can see myself sporting.

I'm so glad I was brave enough to go and I can't wait to do it again. I'm already fantasizing about buying clothes designed for yoga (in hopes they'd be more comfortable than what I wore). I'm kind of loving these pants which are made from recycled plastic bottles. But don't worry I'm not going to rush out and buy a bunch of gear (at least not until I know this is something I will do A LOT and is therefore worth investing in). Right now it will be a challenge just finding a way to afford the occasional class. Especially since I'm already thinking about next Monday...


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

YAY BRAVE--woohoo! Good going!

I totally love yoga. Not that I am very good at it with my fibromylagia.

a/k/a Nadine said...

Does it help your fibro? I heard somewhere that it might...