
Monday, October 09, 2017


This weekend felt a little unsettled for several reasons. My son's father asked to switch the days he gets our son (on Sundays I drop the little man off at his dad's house and then go grocery shopping). This week we did that on Saturday AND I went to a different store, so everything felt mixed up. On top of that the little man has a cold so isn't operating at 100%.

On Saturday morning after his dad dropped him back home we made apple crisp. We clearly picked WAY too many apples last weekend. The apple crisp hardly made a dent. Note to self: next year buy the kiddie bag.

All for me!
Sunday morning we went on an adventure, driving to a picturesque village on a small lake. I would've liked to have explored a little more, but most things weren't open yet and the toddler wasn't in the best mood. Even at the park, he was unimpressed. Rocks! Where are the rocks? What is this stupid sand stuff?

No rocks. Sorry buddy.

It was VERY windy. We saw several canoes and kayaks on the water, despite the wind and the sky. Crazy people!

I have a thing for shadows.
Both afternoons were spent at our neighborhood park, playing on the playground. Little man is obsessed with "big kids." He follows them around, imitating what they say and do. It's adorable. Surprisingly to me, other kids keep assuming he's a girl. I don't think he has particularly feminine features, and he's usually dressed in shades of blue (although I guess the red shirt he's wearing in the photo above could be interpreted as pink). It's interesting to me that the mistake is most common with the elderly and with the young crowd (under 10). I don't care really and depending on the situation I may or may not even correct the person. I love his beautiful hair and he doesn't even know the difference between boy and girl. One of the big kids asked him,"Are you a boy or girl?" He was so delighted by the older boy's presence and said "Yes!" with great enthusiasm. Works for me.


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Yummy apple crisp--did the little guy like it? Fun shadows. Maybe you will have to carry something throwable in your backpack? Spruce cones? Acorns?

He has beautiful hair.

a/k/a Nadine said...

Haha! You must not have seen the caption: "All for me!" I didn't even offer him a taste. :-)