
Monday, October 23, 2017


Saturday morning started with another batch of apple crisp because we're still drowning in apples. The funny thing is that the apples are mostly irrelevant when it comes to apple crisp, for me anyway. I double the recipe for the crisp, but include the apples because it wouldn't be socially acceptable to make "crisp crisp."

When the apple crisp came out of the oven, we headed to Second Home Nature Center. I was feeling a strong need to be outside in a natural setting. However, the whole time we were there it sounded like we were parked on a highway. I don't recall the road sounds being so over-whelming in the past. I wonder if it was the lack of wind and less leaves on the trees. Whatever it was, I had trouble shaking my irritation. Aside from that it was beautiful, of course.

We hit Target before dinner to get more chalk because the Little Man is OBSESSED. He actually used every last little nub that we had, but it turns out mid-October is not chalk season. I had multiple employees helping me search, but they finally found a box of huge fancy chalk that boasts being washable. Um, isn't all chalk water soluble? It has always washed off the driveway in the rain. Weird. Regardless, he's thrilled.

From there we went to Panera for dinner because I had a gift card I was eager to use. We NEVER eat out, so this was a special treat. It felt downright festive, like Christmas. Little Man sat on the bench seat with me, ate all his food, and drank water from a regular cup. We watched a baby at a nearby table and danced in our seats to whatever music they were playing (nothing I recognized).

Sunday morning we put together and decorated a pretty Halloween house ("haunted" seems unnecessary at this point). He had soooo much fun sticking the jelly beans and candies in the frosting. I think that inspired him to ask me to draw houses with the chalk when we went outside. Lots and lots of houses.

1 comment:

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

What a cutie! Does he like to draw on paper as much as he like to draw with chalk? does the icky feel of chalk not bother him?

Highway noises at a nature center always irritate me, too.

At the Kensington Nature Center last weekend, I said to my husband, "It's so quiet here--except for the highway noises!" This was after we escaped from the madding crowds near the building and the trick-or--treating.