Momma Val has bestowed the
I Love Your Blog award on me. I am honored and tickled pink. It's always nice to know people enjoy reading what I'm writing.

Part of accepting this award is:
- Displaying the award.
- Linking back to the person who gave it to you.
- Paying it forward & nominating 7 blogs.
- Leaving comments on their blogs telling them they’ve received one.
- Enjoying the award.
As soon as I can figure out how to display the award I will. I'm having a slow moment. As for my 7 nominees:
- Lake Loop
- No Polar Coordinates
- Smellyann Strikes Again
- Just Crazy Enough to Try
- That Silly Mommy
OK, that's all I've got. For 6 & 7, I'd give the award to
Momma Val and
Squirrel Chatter, but they already got it.
WOW! Thanks for the award.
Do you need a tutorial to display it?
My word verification is swell. Thanks for the SWELL award.
I may not be able to bestow it until I get back from my trip--lots on my plate for tomorrow and too tired tonight.
I)go to Mama Val, click on the award to make it be alone, right click and scroll down to save as and save it.
2)then it will show up in Picasa and email it from Picasa to your blog at your blog send address--that would be the easiest. Or post it the regular way.
I posted it anyway.
Thanks, Nay-nay! Exciting! I love little bloggy awards. I think this is my second one. Yippee!!!
Aw! Thanks - can't wait to check out the bloggers you passed the award on to!
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