
Saturday, February 01, 2014


Watching: The Blacklist. We record a bunch of shows on the DVR, but we didn't start watching The Blacklist until a couple weeks ago. I tried to catch up watching the past episodes On Demand, but they charge! Other shows are free, but not this one. I don't get it, but I refuse to pay so I just started watching the current episodes. I'm not as lost as one might expect. Unfortunately, my husband has decided the show doesn't interest him. Oh well, I'm still digging it. Although I don't love Lizzy's big hair. What is this, the 1980's? Oh yeah, apparently it is. Also, she reminds me both in appearance and voice of the actress from Dances With Wolves.

Reading: I'm reading two books right now, as is the usual state of affairs. I read one on my Nook only while using the elliptical and I read an actual book-on-paper the rest of the time. The Nook ones are freebies I download on Fridays through their Free Friday program. They tend to be mysteries or thrillers. This one is Love Thy Neighbor by Mark Gilleo. The real book I'm reading is one from my Christmas stack, Bringing Up Bebe Pamela Druckerman. It's non-fiction but very readable.

Relieved about: carrying around 3 less inches of hair. I'd been avoiding getting my hair cut to save money during the job transition, but my hair had gotten so heavy and the ends were an absolute mess. I finally gave up and went to the cheap-o hair-cuttery up the street and had them lop off 3 inches. So much lighter now! Plus, now it won't get stuck in my armpits as I toss and turn at night. I'm such a poor sleeper that even something like that awakens me due to irritation.

Taking a break from: Setting monthly goals. I found the goals were a good way to distract me from my job-related misery, and since that is no longer an issue I am taking this month off from setting goals. I may return to it at some point in the future, but for now it no longer feels like a meaningful practice.

Learning: Lots of new job-related stuff.  I'm familiarizing myself with a new-to-me software system and set of related tasks. It's so refreshing to feel like I'm making a valuable contribution to an organization. I can't remember the last time that happened.


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I'm getting tired of goal-setting, too. I tend to get over-involved and takes me away from my actual work.

More later?

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I'm not watching anything on TV, but I am reading three books actively and several other s sort of semi-actively or back-burnerly. I have one I listen to while doing exercises, eating etc. (Audio book), one I read read (paper) and one I am reading together with the hubster. I also have one going for insomnia nights. It's supposed to be boring and soporific, but doesn't work too well.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Learning new stuff is usually fun for me, as long as there isn't too much pressure.