
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Bullets of too tired to write more

  • My birch tree is being devoured by Japanese beetles. They are practically swarming. The leaves have been reduced to lace and are scattering over the lawn.
  • What is happening to le Tour de France? I nearly drove off the road on my way home from work when I heard about Rasmussen and Vinokourov on NPR. What on earth...
  • Construction has commenced! The hallway and linen closet have been framed in. Siding is in the driveway. Wow.
  • I finally started training my replacement at work today, which means that I may get to assume some of the tasks that go with my new position someday soon.
  • Things are so unsettled at work right now. Practically every week things change. It's a bit stressful.
  • I've been rereading A Circle of Quiet by Madeleine L'Engle. She is one of my all-time favorite authors. I find her writing so inspiring.
  • As a result, I've been journaling again. I had stopped journaling in my spiral notebooks altogether since the break up with FF. I'd dumped so much into them during that time that I had negative associations with the whole concept. It feels good to be journaling again. It was something that I let slide during much of our relationship, so it feels good to regain the things that matter to me.
  • I continue to meet my weekly goal of a minimum of two walks per weekend. In fact, I exceeded it by one walk this week. Go me!


swissmiss said...

The Tour de France is breaking my heart this year. Vino was one of my all-time favorites, too...

Cup said...

Are you ready to take on your new job responsibilities?

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Yay walking. Yay journalling.

Boo druggers and blood dopers at Tour de France.

Yay construction. Boo issues at work. Yay training replacement.

Good luck with it all.