
Thursday, November 01, 2007

Progress Report on Classes

I encountered day 2 of fetal pig dissections at my suburban placement yesterday. That did not make me happy. Somehow I'd managed to forget that aspect of high school biology (probably because it was not a part of the curriculum at my high school). There's something to be said for computer simulated dissections...

My group and I had our lab lesson last night. We had to plan and teach a 50 minute lesson. The professor over-booked the class time, and since we occupied the third slot, we had only 20 minutes of class left when we started. Our classmates were grumbling and not as engaged as we had hoped, but at least it's over with. I can put that behind me and worry about the mock parent-teacher conference I have tomorrow.

I was sadden to be told by the principal at one of my placements that chemistry and physics are really "where it's at" in science teaching right now. What about bio? Will I be able to find a job? I'm not sure that was the nicest thing for him to say to me, a first semester grad student. Crush the little newbie, why don't ya!


Coffeypot said...

I wonder what Muslims do about dissecting in that class?

Jenny F. Scientist said...

Hey! I like biology! Besides, think big pharma and biotech. You can tell your students that they'll always need biology, but when's the last time they had to calculate the air speed of a swallow, with drag?

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I've heard that too. I think the problem is that more people are interested in biology than in Chemistry and physics. However, if what you are interested in is biology, ecology etc., it doesn't mean you will be unable to find a job.

DO you dislike the other two subjects? They can be interesting, too. Biology/ecology etc was always my first love. But I like the other two two.