
Tuesday, March 03, 2009

A Good Trade Was Made

The last time I got my hair professionally cut was in mid-December. I wasn't exactly impressed, and parts of the cut have been irking me ever since. I didn't want to go to California with my hair the way it was, but I'm not having a lot of disposable income at the moment. When one of my temps offered to cut it for me, I decided to take her up on it. I know she would've done it for free, but I felt better giving her something in trade. So I got a haircut and she got my like-new corduroy blazer. I didn't like the fit or the color, but she'd admired it the one time I wore it this winter. Better to give it to her in exchange for a haircut than to donate it to strangers.


Momma Val said...

Awesome! I love barter amongst friends :) Now if I could just get a cleaning lady in exchange for a babysitting day? Hmmmmm.

Smellyann said...

Ooh, I'm with Val on that trade! Count me in!!

So do you like the new 'do?

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I'd babysit for cleaning too! Any day! (Well, almost any day!)

Hope you were pleased with the haircut. Hope you have fun on your trip!

Coffeypot said...

If the haircut was too short would you trim off an arm of the coat. Sounds fair to me. Bartering can be fun, too.

Electronic Goose said...

Awesome! How do you like your new 'do and when do you leave for CA?

a/k/a Nadine said...

The haircut is exactly what I wanted- nothing fancy but rectifying the problems of the last cut.

My flight is early Saturday morning. Wheeee!