
Friday, June 16, 2017

Father's Day

People talk about how hard Father's Day is for those whose fathers have passed away or for those that grew up without a dad in their lives, but you don't see a lot from the single mom's perspective. I fully expected to have a lifetime of holidays and vacations, trips to the grocery store and movie nights, with my husband and child. We talked about having kids for a long time, then we spent 10 months trying to get pregnant, and 9 months being pregnant. That's a long time to anticipate what life will be like after the baby is born.

But then everything changes. Your husband walks out on you, moves in with another woman. Now your son will spend Father's Day with the family of three you envisioned, only you aren't a part of it. And everyone is happy, except you. Not because you want anything to do with the man who left you, but because you're missing out on yet another celebration you expected to be part of. And worst of all, you're missing out on time with your son.

So screw you, Father's Day. Screw you.


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Wahn!!!! ��������������

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Sorry! I guess cell phone emoticons don't show up. Sad face crying face angry face etc! ;(

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I missed a whole lot of that when my husband moved out, too, and I have a pretty good idea how much it hurts.