
Saturday, October 28, 2006

"Slabs of Chocolate"

I have learned yet another one of life's many lessons:

Stocking up on Halloween candy the week before is only a good idea if you get a kind that you don't like!

They are the perfect thing to take to work for that hankering you always get mid-afternoon, or to munch on when you get home without risk of spoiling your dinner, or late in the evening when you only want a few bites of something delicious. My poor fiance will just have to buy more before Tuesday.


BerryBird said...

What kind did you get? Mmmm, chocolate. I sometimes buy snack sized candies at random times that have nothing to do with Halloween, just to have around for eating. It is much more expensive than buying a giant candy bar or bag of M&Ms, but easier to manage with portion control and such.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

MMMMM, I love candy. Handy out Hallowween candy was always a downfall for me. Keith and Graham asked if I would do it this year and I said NO. I can't hand it out and not eat any, but if I eat it, I'll get sick.

a/k/a Nadine said...

I doubt you'd like these candies, Sara. They are s'mores, a relatively new addition to the chocolate bar selection. I'm starting to get sick of them now though.

I don't find having smaller sized goodies helps me with portion control at all. Quite the opposite, in fact. With a regular sized candy bar I can say "OK, I can eat this one candy bar" and all goes well. But with the little ones, I just keep eating and eating and eating...

Cup said...

I always buy Snickers, because that's one candy I can walk away from. But I'm still waiting until tonight to buy my Halloween candy.

a/k/a Nadine said...

That's exactly what I should've done, Beth! I wouldn't touch a Snickers with a 10 foot pole. Yuck. Maybe next year...

BerryBird said...

See, the Snickers charm wouldn't work for me. That's one of the candies I will occasionally buy in snack size just to have around. And summertime? There ice cream bars are the bomb. We haven't bought any candy yet either, despite being at the store yesterday. Erwin wanted to wait.

And, yeah. Those s'mores jobbies sound nasty. Marshmellows? Blech.